Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This fuel scarcity sef

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I thought we had seen the last of fuel queues just like bubonic plague, cowries and British rule. But alas, that ugly monster keeps coming back like a cockroach that refuses to die. Sometimes I wonder what fuel touts do while waiting for fuel scarcity. Double as area boys? Pickpockets? It's not their fault really. These unemployed youths have nothing else to do. And a simple law of economics is that there must be demand for their to be supply. People don't seem to have a choice in the matter. N7,000 for 25 litres is absolutely atrocious. It is still a crimical offence to sell fuel on the black market so that means it is also a criminal offence to buy. The government is quite simply put driving all of us to crminality. I do hope the situation gets better by the time I get home. Got to run back to class now.

Forgot to mention that I am at Milton Keynes in the UK for training.

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