Thursday, March 13, 2008

The art of regifting

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Wikipedia defines regifting as the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to somebody else, sometimes in the guise of a new gift. I haven't regifted before but I know someone who is quite adept at this art. I call it an art because she has managed to remain a closet regifter. There are some rules to regifting though:

  1. Don't use the gift before regifting
  2. Rewrap the gift
  3. Don't give the gift back to the original giver
I've always wondered what would happen if you gave a gift back to the original giver or if the original giver saw his or her gift with someone else. Or perhaps the person could ask you about the gift some months or years later. What do you tell the person? I didn't like the gift you gave me so I gave it to someone else?

Why do people regift anyway? You forget someone's birthday or wedding and there's no time to go to the shops to buy something? You need to decongest your house of all those wedding crockery that you are never going to use. Why does everyone give plates, cups, spoons and coolers? I think more imaginative and thoughtful gifts would be appreciated.

Someone I know recently created what I'm sure is a world record for regifting. This person was invited to her relative's 40th birthday party and stopped by somewhere to see a friend before going to the party. Now it was her birthday the week before so another friend who had forgotten to give her a gift and who had been keeping the gift in the car with the hope of giving it to her whenever she ran into her decided to give her gift.

So she smiled and said a big thank you to her friend for remembering her birthday and giving her a gift. So she sets off for the birthday and realized that she didn't have a gift for her relative. So what does this ingenious person do? She quickly opens the gift she just got to see what was inside, decides it's appropriate for her relative and gives it to him at his party. Make sense? She might have well have just asked her friend to give her relative the gift directly. The thing didn't even land her house before she regifted it.

I laughed so hard and wondered what her friend would do if she realized what she did.

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