Friday, March 16, 2007

One month already

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Wow! I have been so busy with work, I haven't posted to my blog in over a month. I enjoy writing but I just never have enough time. Isn't that every one's excuse for not doing the things we love the most; go to Church, exercise, spend time with the children, have fun, travel e.t.c. We are always so busy with work that we don't spend enough time doing the things we really like. Some people are blessed in that their work is their hobby. Some smart financial planning guy said that work isn't what you do to make money. It's something you do because you enjoy it. I do enjoy my work but there are competing demands on my time and I really wish I could be diligent in all of them. I teach Sunday School and also recently became a House Fellowship leader so I have some spiritual responsibilities. But sometimes because no one is watching, I am not as diligent as I should be. On the other hand because my secular boss can write my performance evaluation and determine my future with the company (so we think, it's really God that determines your future) I don't let my work slip. So invariably, jobs get all the attention and everything else suffers because it seems there is no accountability.

Not spending time with the children doesn't seem harmful because they can't fire you. Not taking your wife out seems unimportant because she still cooks for you and does her wifely duties. We are nonchalant about serving God diligently because He doesn't instantly throw thunderbolts when we err. Yet these are just a few of the most important things we should pay attention to rather than work, work, work.

Your job can't give you the joy a giggling child can, nor the warmth and affection of a loving spouse, nor the abundant love and grace of God. If only...if only everyone would wake up and realise the most important things in life...

I promised I would start writing a book some years ago but I have never gotten round to it. Someday maybe, someday. Tonight when I get home, I'm going to give my wife a firm hug, kiss my two darling angels and attend my the men's vigil of my church. I'm also going to drop my laptop in one corner and not do any work this weekend. After all, my job has already eaten up five days out of the week. I'm not about to give up the other two!


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