Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm not indispensable

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I'm still feeling a bit groggy from all the drugs I pumped into my frail body over the last couple of days. While I was away, a lot of the work got done and the fact that some things didn't get done didn't bring the office to a complete standstill. I missed out on the news but this morning heard that one Mr. Yar'Adua has been tipped to win the PDP Presidential primaries. I'll have to read all the news analyses to form an opinion on this.

While lying down on my bed this morning, I got a call calling for an urgent meeting from someone unexpected. I'll know if the call means I've been given a triple promotion or something of the sort by tomorrow. Just a couple of weeks ago I went to visit a friend who has been ill for the last five months. I was still feeling bad about seeing her so emaciated that I came to the conclusion that you can't do anything to guarantee your good health. Besides, if you die today the earth will not stop spinning. I guess someone should have told the third termists this fact before tried to convince us otherwise. A smart friend of mine told me that Nigerians will regret not allowing Baba run for a third term. This is the same ideology that some people are indispensable. I'm not indispensable and neither is any Nigerian. Let's reflect on this as we choose our leaders.

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