Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Water, light, food, house

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I have been listening to all the Presidential candidates contesting under various parties and one thing that strikes me is the common approach to campaigning. It seems that all the candidates do is state Nigeria's problems e.g no water, no light, bad roads, bad this bad that, corruption etc and then tell us we will get the exact opposite of our problems. None of them has told us exactly how they are going to provide these things. Even a five year old will tell you Nigeria's problems. It just shows you how bereft of ideas and imagination some of our leaders are. A look at the crop of our leaders is a sharp contrast to the brains available throughout the country.

When will we begin to debate issues and unfold concrete plans for the nation instead of mere rhetoric and promises with no substance. I will end poverty is not a campaign promise, it is merely rhetoric. The Nigerian public is getting more sophisticated so I would like to believe that our votes cannot be curried using the same campaign style of the past. We need something new and fresh.

If you haven't registered to vote, please do so as quickly as possible. Voter apathy will not help our country in anyway.


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