Thursday, February 15, 2007

The infamous Ojuelegba overhead bridge

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Sometime in 2005 someone thought it wise to put up a pedestrian bridge at Ojuelegba. Ordinarily this shouldn't be an issue but if you have ever driven under this pedestrian bridge, you will know what I am talking about. This bridge was constructed over a very narrow road that can easily be crossed by foot without any problems. So I ask, what prompted whoever put up the bridge to do so? The real news however is that the bridge was demolished yesterday. Throughout the lifetime of this bridge, not a single soul used it. Just imagine a pedestrian bridge in front of your house and you will know what I mean.

Just goes to show you how deep seated our problems are. Was there a study on the pedestrian traffic in the area, or a study on accidents if any in the area? Something, anything to justify building a pedestrian bridge there. Taxpayers' money down the drain. Yet the Gbagada expressway which has claimed many lives crossing the road doesn't have a single pedestrian bridge. I just wonder wetin dey do us sef. People take decisions everyday that affect other people's lives yet they don't give enough thought to their actions. There must be a special place in hell for such people!

Anyway, we will continue to pray for leaders who will do the right thing at the right time.

Goodbye Ojuelegba bridge!

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