I've been out of the blogosphere for a while due to a combination of the NITEL strike, a personal crisis and the loss of a friend. NITEL has called off the strike, I've largely resolved the crisis but my friend is still gone. Her name was Bunmi Ebiwonjumi, aged 34. Her death really hit her family, her husband Funmi especially and me of course . She had gone to the US for a conference and was on the last leg of her trip. She was returning a friend's borrowed car when someone bumped her from behind. She got down to assess the damage and pulled over to a side street. While she was discussing with the person who hit her on how to repair the car, another car driving at a breakneck speed hit her, killing her instantly. Ironically, the person who initially hit her car saw the car coming and quickly jumped away. Bunmi was backing the car so she didn't see it coming.
The loss of my friend has I've been thinking about death and Heaven quite a bit in the last one week. Although I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour six years ago, the need for a close walk hit me even more. No one knows when, how or where he/she will go so we need to be ready everyday. The day for salvation is now! I encourage people to sort out their relationship with God so that when the trumpet sounds, you won't be surprised to find yourself in Hell.
The NITEL strike has once again shown how vulnerable we are in Nigeria. Entrusting our major communications link to the outside world to a moribund, inept and crisis-ridden carrier like NITEL. Every time some disgruntled employee gets angry all he has to do is shut down SAT-3. This undersea cable that connects Nigeria to the rest of the world is of such importance that it should be protected by some sort of law to ensure shutting it down is a crime. Several businesses lost money throughout the strike and could not communicate with their customers. Irresponsible of NITEL workers I say.
I only hope Globacom and other networks will rise to the challenge and develop alternatives to SAT-3.
RIP Bunmi Ebiwonjumi